
Terms and Conditions

This site contains resourses for grown-ups, e.g. you have to be older then 18 years. This project is a non-profit-making, so authors are relieved of any material responsibility.

All galleries are presented only in a readme purpose and are intended only for the satisfaction of our dear visitors. Authors don’t answer for possible consequences of using it in purposes forbidden by the criminal code of the standards of international law. In no conditions authors of this site can be made responsible for any consequences which were expressly or by implication leaded to by using information or software placed on this site.

All girls whos galleries are pleaced on the site are 18 and older years. Girls’ initials may not coincide with the real ones. Every picture has its own author and owner, which is not us. By marking the photo with the logotype we’re not assuming the copyright, but this is only the shift against leechers.

All photos type free sample from the open sources on the Internet. All rights on the published materials belong to their owners. Photo and video are available only for examination, it’s forbidden to safe, copy or distribute them.

If you don’t agree with all stated above, please, leave this site at once.